Kind Supporters:
- The Big Lottery Fund
- The Social Enterprise Loan Fund assisted us with a loan to establish the Company.
- South East Food Group Partnership
- Kent Healthy Schools
- The Pedagogs
Healthy Eating:
- The School Food Trust.
- Jamie Oliver’s Feed Me Better site.
- Norah’s Kitchen.
- The Caroline Walker Trust.
- Eatwell – lots of information about eating well and keeping food safe.
- Food in Schools – teacher resources for cooking in class.
- New case studies book on Healthy Eating in Schools.
- British Nutrition Foundation – for healthy eating information, resources for schools, and more.
- Sustain – the Alliance for Better Food and Farming.
Our Current Suppliers:
- Q Catering, for Dried Goods
- Salvatori Butchers
- C & M Hayes Ltd, for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables