Our Company has clear values that are incorporated into our Mission Statement. We must be commercially viable in order to survive and thrive, and we intend to maintain that viability by staying true to our purpose. We will always be a company that provides great food for the children and supports their health and well-being; that sources local produce whenever possible; that maintains the highest professional standards including food hygiene and health and safety; that values every member of staff and seeks to reward staff fairly and involve them in the Company’s development; that is integrated with the local community of schools, parents and children and consults with them about our activities and key decisions.
Whole School Meals is a social enterprise. Our profits will be applied back to the school community, as determined by our majority shareholders, the schools. We love the fact that we can support our local children by feeding them well at school and then support them further by using our profits to benefit the school community.
Mission Statement:
- To provide nutritious, tasty food for children which supports their health and well-being
- To source local produce whenever possible
- To maintain the highest professional standards including food hygiene and health and safety
- To work closely with the local community of schools, parents and children and consult with them about our activities and key decisions
- To value every member of staff and seek to reward staff fairly and involve them in the Company’s development
- To be commercially viable and financially independent