Food for the CommunityWhole School Meals C.I.C was created in 2005 by a group of local people – parents, school governors and business people – who all are passionate about providing our children with a school meals service that has the children’s well-being at its heart. We also wanted a company that served the school community in East Kent and could reinvest in that community.

Our vision has always been of a community-based company, highly professional in its management, commercially viable, accountable to schools, parents and children. At its heart is the goal of providing freshly prepared school meals that are healthy and nutritious and which the children enjoy eating; and preparing these meals from fresh, seasonal ingredients that have been produced locally.

Whole School Meals is a social enterprise. The company is owned by a group of schools in East Kent – the schools we serve. In this way, our schools control the company and ensure that we remain true to our purpose. Our Directors give their time voluntarily and we operate a highly efficient service that targets resources on the quality of meals and service to schools.

Our aim is always to be commercially successful and profitable – that is how we ensure our sustainability and continue to feed our children high quality, nutritious and tasty school lunches. But we will never compromise on the quality of ingredients used. The use of any profits made by the company is determined by the shareholders, the majority of whom are schools and in this way the benefits of the Company’s success will return to the local community.