Our driving force is to feed our school children well, using high quality, local, fresh ingredients in ‘home-cooked’meals prepared by our own, well-trained cooks. We are a local company, founded parents, grandparents, governors and local business people.
We have followed the horse meat scandal with great interest and we would like to reassure parents and children that we only use reputable local butchers, JC Rook and Salvatori of Whistable, to supply our meat. The only processed meat product on the current primary school menu is pork sausages. Both our meat suppliers assure us that the meat they supple in these sausages (which they make themselves) and all other meats supplied to Whole School Meals can be traced to the UK farm where it was reared.
We use fresh meat products because we only want to use good quality ingredients. That is our policy and has been since we began. Our lasagne, cottage pie, bolognaise, and other dishes are all prepared from fresh ingredients in our primary school kitchens – they are never ‘ready meals’ or pre-processed products.
We don’t scrimp on the quality of ingredients to save on cost – we don’t have to because we are driven by quality, not profit.
In our secondary schools, in addition to our home-cooked meals, we also supply Pasta King sauces. Pasta King inform us that they have tested their minced beef supplies and found them free from any contamination by horse meat.
We started planning our Cook It From Scratch day long before the horse meat scandal came to light – but how timely! Cooking From Scratch is what we are all about – so if you can join us on the day we will be very pleased to see you.
If you have any questions please contact us