We will be returning after half term with a new Spring Menu. We have renamed our menus by terms, so hopefully this will make it easier to know which menu is the current one.
Primary Menu – Terms 4 & 5 2016
The menu includes new hot puddings with custard, (as requested by parents). New dishes:- Cheese Filled Tortellini, Chicken Myers & Chocolate Orange Cake served with cream. Childrens’ favourites:- Pizza, Sausage Roll Slice & Spaghetti Bolognese will remain, together with our traditional Mid-Week Roasts & Fish Fridays. Hopefully there will be something for everyone this spring!
Term 4 – Commencing:
22nd February – Menu Week 1
29th February – Menu Week 2
7th March – Menu Week 3
14th March – Menu Week 1
21st March – Menu Week 2
A hard cop of this menu will be circulated in the schools the first week back after half term.